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This beautiful flat matzah box engraved with words and phrases associated with Pesach is the perfect place to store your matzah. It is also the perfect gift to give family or friends to celebrate this joyous chag/ Jewish holiday.
Made in Israel
On the four outer sides of the box, you will find a beautiful inscription directly related to Pesach. It reads as follows:
מצה זו שאנו אוכלים על שום מה, על שום שלא הספיק בצקם של אבותינו
להחמיץ עד שנגלה עליהם מלך מלכי המלכים הקדוש ברוך הוא וגאלם.
שנאמר: ויאפו את הבצק אשר הוציאו ממצרים עגת מצות כי לא חמץ
כי גרשו ממצרים ולא יכלו להתמהמה וגם צדה לא עשו להם
Which translates to:
"This unleavened bread that we eat, what does it signify? Because the dough of our fathers did not have time to leaven before The King of Kings, Blessed be He, revealed himself to them and redeemed them. As it said: And they baked unleavened bread from the dough which they brought out of Egypt. For it was not leavened, because thy were driven out of Egypt and could not delay; for neither had they prepared themselves any food for their journey".
Size: 8.5" x 8.5" X 2"h
In stock. Typically ships in 1-2 business days.
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